Wagtail 0.6 release notes

What’s new

Project template and start project command

Wagtail now has a basic project template built in to make starting new projects much easier.

To use it, install wagtail onto your machine and run wagtail start project_name.

Django 1.7 support

Wagtail can now be used with Django 1.7.

Minor features

Bug fixes

  • Page URL generation now returns correct URLs for sites that have the main ‘serve’ view rooted somewhere other than ‘/’.
  • Search results in the page chooser now respect the page_type parameter on PageChooserPanel.
  • Rendition filenames are now prevented from going over 60 chars, even with a large focal_point_key.
  • Child relations that are defined on a model’s superclass (such as the base Page model) are now picked up correctly by the page editing form, page copy operations and the replace_text management command.

Upgrade considerations

All features deprecated in 0.4 have been removed

See: Deprecated features

Deprecated features

  • The wagtail.wagtailsearch.indexed module has been renamed to wagtail.wagtailsearch.index