Sitemap generator

This document describes how to create XML sitemaps for your Wagtail website using the wagtail.contrib.wagtailsitemaps module.

Basic configuration

You firstly need to add "wagtail.contrib.wagtailsitemaps" to INSTALLED_APPS in your Django settings file:



Then, in, you need to add a link to the wagtail.contrib.wagtailsitemaps.views.sitemap view which generates the sitemap:

from wagtail.contrib.wagtailsitemaps.views import sitemap

urlpatterns = [

    url('^sitemap\.xml$', sitemap),

You should now be able to browse to /sitemap.xml and see the sitemap working. By default, all published pages in your website will be added to the site map.



The Page class defines a get_sitemap_urls method which you can override to customise sitemaps per Page instance. This method must return a list of dictionaries, one dictionary per URL entry in the sitemap. You can exclude pages from the sitemap by returning an empty list.

Each dictionary can contain the following:

  • location (required) - This is the full URL path to add into the sitemap.
  • lastmod - A python date or datetime set to when the page was last modified.
  • changefreq
  • priority

You can add more but you will need to override the wagtailsitemaps/sitemap.xml template in order for them to be displayed in the sitemap.


By default, sitemaps are cached for 100 minutes. You can change this by setting WAGTAILSITEMAPS_CACHE_TIMEOUT in your Django settings to the number of seconds you would like the cache to last for.