
Searching Pages

Wagtail provides a search method on the QuerySet for all page models:

# Search future EventPages
>>> from wagtail.wagtailcore.models import EventPage
>>> EventPage.objects.filter("Hello world!")

All methods of PageQuerySet are supported by wagtailsearch:

# Search all live EventPages that are under the events index
[<EventPage: Event 1>, <EventPage: Event 2>]

Searching Images, Documents and custom models

You can search these by using the search method on the search backend:

>>> from wagtail.wagtailimages.models import Image
>>> from wagtail.wagtailsearch.backends import get_search_backend

# Search images
>>> s = get_search_backend()
>>>"Hello", Image)
[<Image: Hello>, <Image: Hello world!>]

You can also pass a QuerySet into the search method which allows you to add filters to your search results:

>>> from wagtail.wagtailimages.models import Image
>>> from wagtail.wagtailsearch.backends import get_search_backend

# Search images
>>> s = get_search_backend()
>>>"Hello", Image.objects.filter(uploaded_by_user=user))
[<Image: Hello>]

This should work the same way for Documents and custom models as well.

Frontend views

Asynchronous Search with JSON and AJAX

Wagtail provides JSON search results when queries are made to the wagtailsearch_suggest view. To take advantage of it, we need a way to make that URL available to a static script. Instead of hard-coding it, let’s set a global variable in our base.html:

  var wagtailJSONSearchURL = "{% url 'wagtailsearch_suggest' %}";

Now add a simple interface for the search with a <input> element to gather search terms and a <div> to display the results:

  <input id="json-search" type="text">
  <div id="json-results"></div>

Finally, we’ll use JQuery to make the asynchronous requests and handle the interactivity:

$(function() {

  // cache the elements
  var searchBox = $('#json-search'),
    resultsBox = $('#json-results');
  // when there's something in the input box, make the query
  searchBox.on('input', function() {
    if( searchBox.val() == ''){
    // make the request to the Wagtail JSON search view
  url: wagtailJSONSearchURL + "?q=" +  searchBox.val(),
  dataType: "json"
    .done(function(data) {
  if( data == undefined ){
  // we're in business!  let's format the results
  var htmlOutput = '';
  data.forEach(function(element, index, array){
    htmlOutput += '<p><a href="' + element.url + '">' + element.title + '</a></p>';
  // and display them


Results are returned as a JSON object with this structure:

  title: "Lumpy Space Princess",
  url: "/oh-my-glob/"
  title: "Lumpy Space",
  url: "/no-smooth-posers/"

What if you wanted access to the rest of the results context or didn’t feel like using JSON? Wagtail also provides a generalized AJAX interface where you can use your own template to serve results asynchronously.

The AJAX interface uses the same view as the normal HTML search, wagtailsearch_search, but will serve different results if Django classifies the request as AJAX (request.is_ajax()). Another entry in your project settings will let you override the template used to serve this response:

WAGTAILSEARCH_RESULTS_TEMPLATE_AJAX = 'myapp/includes/search_listing.html'

In this template, you’ll have access to the same context variables provided to the HTML template. You could provide a template in JSON format with extra properties, such as query.hits and editor’s picks, or render an HTML snippet that can go directly into your results <div>. If you need more flexibility, such as multiple formats/templates based on differing requests, you can set up a custom search view.

Custom Search Views

This functionality is still under active development to provide a streamlined interface, but take a look at wagtail/wagtail/wagtailsearch/views/ if you are interested in coding custom search views.

Editor’s picks

Editor’s picks are a way of explicitly linking relevant content to search terms, so results pages can contain curated content in addition to results from the search algorithm. In a template using the search results view, editor’s picks can be accessed through the variable query.editors_picks. To include editor’s picks in your search results template, use the following properties.


This gathers all of the editor’s picks objects relating to the current query, in order according to their sort order in the Wagtail admin. You can then iterate through them using a {% for ... %} loop. Each editor’s pick object provides these properties:
The page object associated with the pick. Use {% pageurl %} to generate a URL or provide other properties of the page object.
The description entered when choosing the pick, perhaps explaining why the page is relevant to the search terms.

Putting this all together, a block of your search results template displaying editor’s picks might look like this:

{% with query.editors_picks.all as editors_picks %}
  {% if editors_picks %}
    <div class="well">
    <h3>Editors picks</h3>
    {% for editors_pick in editors_picks %}
      <a href="{% pageurl %}">
        {{ }}
        <p>{{ editors_pick.description|safe }}</p>
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endwith %}